WARNING: following Microsoft's end-of-life announcement, Internet Explorer (IE) is no longer a supported browser. You may experience display and functionality problems if you try and use IE with Magicall. We recommend you upgrade to a more recent browser, for example the latest releases of Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari.
Call Recording


Record your inbound calls and receive a sound file of your call via email for easy access

  • Recordings stored securely
  • Multiple ways to access call recordings
  • Call recordings are useful for various reasons
  • Useful functions when recording calls

Recordings stored securely

Securely stored, in the EU, for 30 days for free, before being permanently deleted.

Multiple ways to access call recordings

You can access your recordings in the following ways:
  • Via email - wav file
  • Online via the Call Statistics

Call recordings are useful for various reasons

Call recordings are great for support and training purposes as well as covering businesses should any phone calls need to be referred back to at a later date

Useful functions when recording calls

Even when call recordings are in progress, you can use the pause function to stop recording. Great to use just before sensitive information is about to be given from a customer, such as credit card details for making a payment